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Lotsa Money

Okay. I am going to do something here that I have never done before — posting a link to something that has absolutely nothing to do with webnovels… or @Fuyu, for that matter.


Why am I posting it to my webnovel website, you may wonder. Well, that’s because, in order to bring you quality novel/translations, I spend a lot of my time pouring through webnovels, some better than others. AND, a theme that consistently baffle me is how the male leads are SO wealthy that their family fortune can last several lifetimes, no matter how much money MC blows a day, which was a concept that I cannot grasp.

For most of us “less fortunate souls”, we tend to think of money as a limited resource and came to find out that I was wrong. Or, to quote a saying from webnovels — poverty has limited by imagination.

Evidently, it is possible for one to have more money than one can spend… that money will be generated faster than one can spend them by the minute!! O.O

Here’s a quote from the article:

“Just think about it,” the luminary told me. “It’s nearly impossible to spend a billion dollars…The most expensive Gulfstream jet in the world is $65 million; a couple of very fancy houses will cost you $20 million, $30 million total; many of the highest-end cars are only a few hundred thousand dollars each. You’ve done all that and you’ve still got around $900 million or so left to spend.”… Then, the man explained, there is the “problem” that your billions will only grow, often quicker than you can give them away, with interest and rising investments. “Being a billionaire is a lot harder than it looks.”

I particularly like the use of how highest-end cars are only a few hundred thousand dollars each…

Just want to share my latest enlightenment with the unfortunate souls who stumble onto my blog. =)