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Numbers on the Chinese Internet and Their Meaning

If you’ve read enough webnovels you will see many random use of numbers, particular in the Weibo commentary section. This is beyond the tradition “3” rhymes with life and “8” rhymes with riches and, of course, “4” rhymes with death." Allow me to decipher them for you:

666… (any number of sixes) - praises someone who’s very good at doing something. i.e. compliment to someone performing an action in a streaming channel

233333 (any number of threes) - obviously an equivalent of ROFL (don’t ask me why though)

520 - I love you (pronounciation)

1314 - for the rest of my life (1 = one, 3&4 = this life time)

419 - rhymes with “sleep”, ergo “one night stand”

250 - fool / idiot (don’t feel like going into the nitty gritty, so if you are curious, see how MTL works out for you here)

That’s all I can think of for now. Will add if I come across more.